Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler In Less Than 72 Hours |
Potty Training Tips: is My Child Ready?
Toddler Potty Training Tips
My friend made it sound all too easy. "Just put them on the potty right before they have to tinkle." She said this as if knowing when a child wanted to use the toilet was like second nature. She could just sense it. So I gave in and asked "Okay so exactly how do you do that?"
My friend told me that it was just a matter of seeing the expression on their face - "they just get a look on their faces".
This was a new one to me. I knew about the look a child gets on their face when they're doing something naughty - every parent knows that one like the back of their own hand. But this other look my friend was talking about....this was new.
So she explained that her son gets a kind of glazed look on his face before he needs to go to the toilet. Now this instantly didn't ring any bells with me but I tried thinking back to see if it made any sense. Had my daughter ever had "that" look on her face?
As my friend explained "I'd see that look on his face and knew what was coming next. Within 2 days he realized that this was what needed to be done".
So I started to think where I had gone wrong. My friend saw the look on my face and said "You probably started too young?" Little did she know that I'd been trying for months to potty train my little girl.
"How old was your son when you started potty training", I asked.
She just smiled at me slyly and said "Oh he was just over 4 years old".
Now it all made sense.
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