Sunday, 12 October 2014

Getting the Right Equipment to Potty Train your Toddler

There are various signs that tell you when your child is ready to stop peeing in his/her pants and step to the next level towards using the toilet. As you begin to potty train your tot, getting the right equipment for this, is probably the most logical first step.

Potty Chair

A child new to potty training might have fear of sting directly on adult's toilet seats. A potty chair or a potty restage is a better option, in this instance. In many baby stores in Gilbert, AZ and in Phoenix, these come in a number of cute shapes and sizes to help your tot learn to use the toilet, be able to hold the pressure for a while and stop wetting their pajamas. Some potty seats available at baby stores in Phoenix, AZ and in Gilbert also come with a potty flush as well to instill good habits from early childhood.

The Right Equipment to Potty Train your Toddler
The Right Equipment to Potty Train your Toddler

Potty Seats and Potty Toppers

Colorful and stylish potty seats or potty toppers cannot just save you and your child from catching germs, but are luxuriously soft to keep your child from hurting themselves as the climb up or down the toilet seat. These are available in a variety of colors and prints on all baby stores in Gilbert, AZ.

On the Go Potty

If you are worried that you will again have to make your child wear a diaper after struggling for so long to potty train him/her, this is a great option for kids when they are away from home. You can get your favorite ‘On the Go" potty from any baby store in Phoenix, AZ, and can carry it in your car any where you go. This also saves you the trouble of finding clean public toilets in busy areas. These are leak proof and portable.

Potty Training Rewards

Giving your child small rewards to express your appreciation as your tot learn new things each day and get better trained, small potty training re wards such as a sticker kit or tinkle target transportation, which are available at baby stores in Gilbert, AZ, can keep your little one get motivated and they feel like that they are growing up.

Other Considerations

Moms may also be interested in buying wet/dry bags form baby stores in Phoenix, AZ. These allow them to store dirty diapers in one compartment, and unused ones in an outer pocket.

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