Thursday, 16 October 2014

Potty training for boys is highly important for your son

Potty training for boys
Potty training for boys
Most parents are eager to know about the ways of potty training their boys. Baby potty training, for lots of parents, marks the important transition from a baby to a boy. However it is kind of a challenge to potty train a toddler boy. Clean ups and frequent accidents often leads to a lot of frustration but little progress. However if you follow certain steps of potty training, you will be able to say good bye to diapers and frustrations.


Check yourself that if your son is ready to get potty training. It is wastage of both energy and time to train a boy if he is not ready. Some indications are there which shows that your son might be ready to get potty training. These include that your son may show interest in learning the ways of using the potty, the boy is capable of pulling his pants down by himself or he is staying dry for some hours and is able to follow some of your simple instructions. These are some indicators which can help you to start with potty training for boys.

Potty training is highly important for the little boys and once you have realized that your son is ready for getting baby potty training then visit your local store. Buy a potty chair along with underpants, a clear jar and chocolate candies. Allowing your son to pull out his pants and sit on the potty chair is important to the process of potty training. You need to commit to this procedure. Potty training for boys is a process and if you can commit to it completely then you will be able to win the battle. Once you are committed to this process, stay at the house for a few days. While your son is awake insist him to wear the underpants only. His potty chair should be placed next to yours inside the bathroom.

For proper potty training your son should be made to sit on the potty chair throughout the day at regular intervals. Potty training can be done after waking up in the morning, before any meal or after any meal. You can potty train your boy whenever you think is good time to make him do that. If he is going to the bathroom wearing his underpants then try to make him sit on the potty. You can also fill up a jar with some chocolate candies. You can give him a candy every time he sits on the potty. Baby potty training is really essential for them to grow up and become matured. It is one of the important training that every parent has to perform.

Along with potty training for boys, they should also be taught the correct bathroom hygiene and behavior. This includes flushing the toilet, washing their hands and wiping.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Potty Training Boys and Girls - It's Not What You Thought

Potty Training Boys and Girls
Potty Training Boys and Girls

A major accomplishment for a little one has to be potty mastery! Not only are they happier, but so are the mom's and dad's. Potty training is not an exact science - some learn earlier, others take a little longer. Here are some tips to help get your toddler potty trained quickly and effortlessly.


Potty Training Tips: is My Child Ready?

Toddler Potty Training Tips 

"I'll go when I am good and ready"

Awareness is one of the biggest issues when potty training your toddler. They have to make the connection between their body's urges and using the potty. They may feel a sudden change but not put two and two together yet - and that's when they have accidents. Be patient with your child, it is not the end of the world if your next door neighbor tells you her daughter, 3 months younger, is already potty trained. Toddlers all have their own time, and that's okay.

Forcing a toddler to potty train is a mistake.

It's okay to have an accident right now. If you overreact to a potty accident showing anger, upset or frustration, your child will undoubtly continue to have them. Reassure them they will do better the next time. To "practice" for the real event, take them to the potty and go through the process - have them sit for a few minutes. Continue these short trips another 6-10 times and allow them to "go through the motions". With the habit in place, it will be much easier for them to remember the steps to take.

Celebrate each success

As your toddler completes each successful trip to the potty it is a great idea to reward them. For your toddler that might mean a special treat, special toy or even cool stickers. You have to be their cheerleader during this time and provide positive reinforcement. Make sure that your rewards are just for successful trips - if you reinforce anything less, you are looking at a longer process.

Whether you have a boy or girl, there will be challenges. Boys and girls learn differently, and take different lengths of time to potty train. When there are so many more moments to cherish with your little one, why wait and be bogged down with potty training? For your little girls, I suggest you visit Potty Training Girls. For your boy, great information is available at Potty Training Boys.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Getting the Right Equipment to Potty Train your Toddler

There are various signs that tell you when your child is ready to stop peeing in his/her pants and step to the next level towards using the toilet. As you begin to potty train your tot, getting the right equipment for this, is probably the most logical first step.

Potty Chair

A child new to potty training might have fear of sting directly on adult's toilet seats. A potty chair or a potty restage is a better option, in this instance. In many baby stores in Gilbert, AZ and in Phoenix, these come in a number of cute shapes and sizes to help your tot learn to use the toilet, be able to hold the pressure for a while and stop wetting their pajamas. Some potty seats available at baby stores in Phoenix, AZ and in Gilbert also come with a potty flush as well to instill good habits from early childhood.

The Right Equipment to Potty Train your Toddler
The Right Equipment to Potty Train your Toddler

Potty Seats and Potty Toppers

Colorful and stylish potty seats or potty toppers cannot just save you and your child from catching germs, but are luxuriously soft to keep your child from hurting themselves as the climb up or down the toilet seat. These are available in a variety of colors and prints on all baby stores in Gilbert, AZ.

On the Go Potty

If you are worried that you will again have to make your child wear a diaper after struggling for so long to potty train him/her, this is a great option for kids when they are away from home. You can get your favorite ‘On the Go" potty from any baby store in Phoenix, AZ, and can carry it in your car any where you go. This also saves you the trouble of finding clean public toilets in busy areas. These are leak proof and portable.

Potty Training Rewards

Giving your child small rewards to express your appreciation as your tot learn new things each day and get better trained, small potty training re wards such as a sticker kit or tinkle target transportation, which are available at baby stores in Gilbert, AZ, can keep your little one get motivated and they feel like that they are growing up.

Other Considerations

Moms may also be interested in buying wet/dry bags form baby stores in Phoenix, AZ. These allow them to store dirty diapers in one compartment, and unused ones in an outer pocket.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Can I Night Train without a Pull-Up Diaper?

Once you start to potty train your child in the day you also need to make a plan for how to get to the dry nights. There are several different methods for night time potty training and which one you will go for depends on your child, your energy levels and what you think is right. It can be hard enough to get through the mess of the day so if you feel that changing sheets and clothes in the night is more than what you need to deal with right now, you can always wait a bit with the night training.


Get Your Child Trained to Use the Potty after Following These Potty Training Tips

 Start Potty Trainning Today And Stop Diapers!

When to Start Nights without Diapers

Some will tell you that it is time to quite the diapers for the night when your baby wakes up dry in the morning. If your child wakes up dry you can certainly go for it and simply switch to underwear and night training sheets. If your child is still waking up with a soaked diaper it is not necessarily an indication of the child not being ready for dry nights. If the child is keeping dry days it is certainly possible to get rid of diapers in the night as well!

Pull-Up Diapers

Pull-up diapers are meant to look and feel like underwear and they can come in handy when it is time for night time potty training. They are also an excellent choice in the beginning of the day time training when you want to take the child for a long car ride without risking a soaked car seat. The thing with pull-up diapers is that they are usually very expensive. You can expect a price 2-4 times what you normally pay for regular diapers. This is reason enough to ask if you can night train without the pull-up diapers.

Yes, You Can!

You can absolutely save the pull-up diapers for car travel, plane rides and other times when this sort of support comes in handy. In the nights, in your home, you can choose to be brave and use regular underwear just like in the day. It is smart to start sleeping without diapers during nap time. If your child naps at home this is an excellent opportunity for night time training to begin. Make sure to go right before sleep but don't make an issue of it. If your child says that there is nothing there you should trust it and let them go to sleep without a toilet visit.

Expect Busy Nights

When your child starts to sleep without diapers you should be attentive and understand that if he or she wakes up and complains it is most likely because of nr 2. If you ask if this is it they will most likely tell you "no" but be smart and just take the child to the toilet without discussions.

Remember positive re-enforcement and tell your child that he or she is being a really big kid and does so good. This is very important in all potty training and especially for the night part. Keep cheering for every step forward and don't get angry with the mess-ups. Soon you will see dry days and dry nights!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Potty Training Tips: Pre-Potty Training Do's And Don'ts

Now that you know when to start potty training, it is time for you to understand what all preparations you would have to do before you start working on the plan. Ideally, your child can take anywhere between days to months to learn potty training properly. However, if you really want them to learn it within 3 days, then you must focus on the nit picks of potty training. Often, people tell you to how to potty train your child, however, no one would tell you how should you begin with the process. After all, the beginning is what makes the child reluctant or supportive and also determines if the parents are going to have a tough time with their kids.


It is quite possible that you would have never known about pre-potty training. This is one of the most essential parts of the training process and would be making your efforts a big failure if not paid attention to. Recall your previous attempts. You might have had your fair share of research as well as the reward charts, signs and everything else that you need. However, the child was still not able to learn properly. It is because all the props were simply bought and never used to their full potential.

If you have started thinking about when to start potty training for your child, then you must focus on this period the most. It would help you in the three day potty training process a lot and you would be completely relieved of any headaches caused by the same. Let us have a look at the pre-potty training do's and don'ts.

Pre-Potty Training Do's

Wait. Your child does not need to start with the potty training process as soon as they are 1 years old. Ideally, you must wait for them to turn at least 2 ½ years of age to get the best results.

Learn to reward your child for small accomplishment. Reward based or incentive based schedules will help you in making potty training a great task that comes with a great reward. In the absence of this, the child might feel that they are being dragged into something that they don't want to do.

Look for the ‘signs' if you want to know when to start potty training your child. They would themselves start disliking soiled diapers and might even try to tell you that they need to use the toilet. So look into these signs.

If you have elder children at home who had been given ‘Big Boy/Girl Certificates' for successfully completing their potty training, then show your young child the same and try to tell them that they can also achieve the same.

Swap the parent. If you think that your child is not feeling comfortable in understanding what you are trying to say and swings more towards to the other parent, then it is better for you to leave the tasks on to them. Children often feel more inclined towards one parent more than the other. You can use the same to your advantage and bring the three day potty training schedule to success.

Pre-Potty Training Don'ts

Don't push your child around. This would not help them in any way. Instead, they would start moving away from you and their focus on potty training would decrease. This would turn out to be very problematic during the three day potty trainingschedule you are about to follow.

Though you must learn to reward your child, forget about giving them something to eat or play with. Successful potty training must be an accomplishment, but you cannot make your child use the toilet in anticipation of something every time. You must either create rewards that cannot be achieved every single time or go for intangible rewards like playing with them for an extra hour, because you now don't have to wash their dirty diapers or even spend time in getting rid of his smelly clothes.

Don't be a stern parent and don't force your child to do something. This would kill his natural instinct to participate into new things and he might even move away from you. If the child is not able to comprehend your language, then look for new ways to make him understand that it is important for him.

Don't leave a child to his own if he is reluctant. Some children are late bloomers and they might understand these things later than the others. So keep calm.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler In Less Than 72 Hours

Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler In Less Than 72 Hours
Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler In Less Than 72 Hours
A close friend of mine swears that anyone can potty train their kid in about 48 hours. Now I have a toddler and I had pretty serious doubts that anyone could start and finish potty training in about 2 days. I mean it sounds impossible right? It had already taken me more than 2 days to convince my child that the potty wasn't actually a monster that was trying to swallow her whole.


Potty Training Tips: is My Child Ready?

Toddler Potty Training Tips

So when my friend called over the other day for coffee I asked her how she'd managed to potty training her baby in just 48 hours. To be honest curiosity had gotten the better of me. As it stood I'd been trying to potty training my 21 month old for months. There'd been some successes but mostly a lot of wet days and cleaning up. Where I stood at that point was still putting a lot of money in the pockets of the diaper companies.

My friend made it sound all too easy. "Just put them on the potty right before they have to tinkle." She said this as if knowing when a child wanted to use the toilet was like second nature. She could just sense it. So I gave in and asked "Okay so exactly how do you do that?"

My friend told me that it was just a matter of seeing the expression on their face - "they just get a look on their faces".

This was a new one to me. I knew about the look a child gets on their face when they're doing something naughty - every parent knows that one like the back of their own hand. But this other look my friend was talking about....this was new.

So she explained that her son gets a kind of glazed look on his face before he needs to go to the toilet. Now this instantly didn't ring any bells with me but I tried thinking back to see if it made any sense. Had my daughter ever had "that" look on her face?

As my friend explained "I'd see that look on his face and knew what was coming next. Within 2 days he realized that this was what needed to be done".

So I started to think where I had gone wrong. My friend saw the look on my face and said "You probably started too young?" Little did she know that I'd been trying for months to potty train my little girl.

"How old was your son when you started potty training", I asked.

She just smiled at me slyly and said "Oh he was just over 4 years old".

Now it all made sense.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

How To Potty Train Your toddler

How To Potty Train Your toddler
How To Potty Train Your toddler
Potty Training: Where Everyone Wins

Your toddler just came running into the kitchen hollering something only he understands with a look of joy on his face, not to mention his brown war-makeup he has smeared on his forehead and cheeks. You smile and reminisce the days when you were a child, reveling in the joy of watching your children grow and experience life. Then you suddenly realize where did he get that brown stuff from? OH NO! He is playing with his poopy diaper again. Further investigation leads you to all the other wonderful activities he has been participating in while using his poop. It might as well be in your new furniture or rubbed into your shag carpet. Maybe he hid it in your pillow! Toddlers have great imaginations and little to no discretion. If you have reached this point, then it's definitely time to potty train. 


Everyone has an opinion on this topic and anyone who has gone through it will be more than willing to share their experience with you; maybe even try to convince you that their way is the best way to teach potty training. There is no perfect way of teaching potty training. Kids are very flexible and will respond to multiple different methods, you just need to find one that works for you and your child.

When do you start teaching them? You can start anytime you like. The real question is "When do you finish?" The answer is: when they have it down pat. Remember, the earlier you start the more likely it will take a longer time. Kids grow and develop at different rates, so you can have greatly different results from child to child. Some mothers choose to use the no-diaper-method. The theory is never put them in a diaper and they will never want to sit in their own poop. Yes this has been proven to be effective, but this method may not suit your family or your willingness to scrub and disinfect.

I like to wait until they are around the age of 2. It's important that they can tell you when they need to use the bathroom by saying words like pooh-pooh, pee-pee, or toilet. Do they look at going potty on the toilet as a big kid thing that they want to do too? Being able to pull up their underwear and put their pants or shorts back on helps too, but this is not absolutely necessary. Also very important, can they recognize when they need to use the potty chair? I loved reading to my children from birth, if you do this, buy a children's book about being a big kid and learning to potty train. They even have books that make flushing noises.

So you are ready to start! Now start browsing online for a potty chair for your child, and a toilet adapter for the big kid toilet. Make sure your child feels welcome at either chair. It's important to give them the freedom to choose, it helps them grow-up to be self-reliant and confident adults. You can also buy a stool to help them get up to the toilet and have something to balance their feet on while they push, it makes pooping a lot easier not having your feet dangle. While you are shopping online, invite your child to look at the different options, maybe they will find a toilet that they like and will be more excited about starting potty training.

Your child should be familiar with seeing you use the toilet so it is not a foreign concept to them. The boys need to see how daddy does it and the girls need to see how mommy does it. Kids will mimic their parents and siblings for better or worse. This can be a great tool for you in most things in life if you are setting a good example.

For the first 3-5 days clear your schedule and be in the same area that your children are in so you can help them at a moment's notice in case of any near misses. The first day is the most important; you need to stop using diaper/pull-ups altogether. If you are going to cut off a dog's tail, it hurts a lot less if you do it in one big cut rather than piece by piece. Let your child use a diaper when they sleep and then bring them to the bathroom as soon as they get up in the morning. You will learn their habits and if you should give them 5 or 10 minutes when waking up before bringing them to the bathroom. At first I recommend just letting them run around the house without anything on in the downstairs region. Some kids love this. Keep the potty chair in whatever room they spend most of their time. Make sure you are in that room too. Remember, you can't teach if you aren't present. 

You are probably like me and have places to go and errands to run. You can't always be at home waiting for your child to go pee. So put that potty chair in the car and use it when you arrive and leave places. This will help reduce any anxiety from your child, and leaving the house won't be such a gamble.

Practice sitting on the potty chair. Let them get comfortable sitting in that position. Boys need to learn sitting before they practice standing; the same way you have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. This helps avoid the fire hose effect all over the floor and walls. Even if they don't go, don't make them feel pressure. At first, every 30 minutes let them sit for a minute or two so they can try and pee or pooh. This will assimilate them to the chair and it won't seem like a stressful new concept. Never show them disappointment because they didn't go, tell them it's ok and they can try later.

Praise! Praise! Praise! Jump for joy when they go in the potty chair. They need to see how pleased you are. Even act a little over-the-top excited. You may feel stupid but they won't think so. They will only think how happy it makes them to know that mommy and daddy are proud of them. This positive response will encourage them to go potty in the chair again and again.

Every time they go pee or pooh, give them a reward. I gave my toddlers a gummy bear. If you are the type to not let them have sugar then use a cracker or something that they consider a treat. But if I may, a little candy goes a long way and it won't hurt just motivates them and you will be happier because of it. There are all sorts of reward systems that you can use, so choose whatever works for you.

If for some reason you try and find potty training to be too stressful on your child then stop and try again in a few weeks, maybe they will be ready then. It should be a fun experience that the child considers a game to get the reward.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

How To Potty Train Your toddler.

 How To Potty Train Your Child!
How To Potty Train Your Child!
Your toddler just came running into the kitchen hollering something only he understands with a look of joy on his face, not to mention his brown war-makeup he has smeared on his forehead and cheeks. You smile and reminisce the days when you were a child, reveling in the joy of watching your children grow and experience life. Then you suddenly realize where did he get that brown stuff from? OH NO! He is playing with his poopy diaper again. Further investigation leads you to all the other wonderful activities he has been participating in while using his poop. It might as well be in your new furniture or rubbed into your shag carpet. Maybe he hid it in your pillow! Toddlers have great imaginations and little to no discretion. If you have reached this point, then it's definitely time to potty train. 


Everyone has an opinion on this topic and anyone who has gone through it will be more than willing to share their experience with you; maybe even try to convince you that their way is the best way to teach potty training. There is no perfect way of teaching potty training. Kids are very flexible and will respond to multiple different methods, you just need to find one that works for you and your child.

When do you start teaching them? You can start anytime you like. The real question is "When do you finish?" The answer is: when they have it down pat. Remember, the earlier you start the more likely it will take a longer time. Kids grow and develop at different rates, so you can have greatly different results from child to child. Some mothers choose to use the no-diaper-method. The theory is never put them in a diaper and they will never want to sit in their own poop. Yes this has been proven to be effective, but this method may not suit your family or your willingness to scrub and disinfect.

I like to wait until they are around the age of 2. It's important that they can tell you when they need to use the bathroom by saying words like pooh-pooh, pee-pee, or toilet. Do they look at going potty on the toilet as a big kid thing that they want to do too? Being able to pull up their underwear and put their pants or shorts back on helps too, but this is not absolutely necessary. Also very important, can they recognize when they need to use the potty chair? I loved reading to my children from birth, if you do this, buy a children's book about being a big kid and learning to potty train. They even have books that make flushing noises.

So you are ready to start! Now start browsing online for a potty chair for your child, and a toilet adapter for the big kid toilet. Make sure your child feels welcome at either chair. It's important to give them the freedom to choose, it helps them grow-up to be self-reliant and confident adults. You can also buy a stool to help them get up to the toilet and have something to balance their feet on while they push, it makes pooping a lot easier not having your feet dangle. While you are shopping online, invite your child to look at the different options, maybe they will find a toilet that they like and will be more excited about starting potty training.

Your child should be familiar with seeing you use the toilet so it is not a foreign concept to them. The boys need to see how daddy does it and the girls need to see how mommy does it. Kids will mimic their parents and siblings for better or worse. This can be a great tool for you in most things in life if you are setting a good example.

For the first 3-5 days clear your schedule and be in the same area that your children are in so you can help them at a moment's notice in case of any near misses. The first day is the most important; you need to stop using diaper/pull-ups altogether. If you are going to cut off a dog's tail, it hurts a lot less if you do it in one big cut rather than piece by piece. Let your child use a diaper when they sleep and then bring them to the bathroom as soon as they get up in the morning. You will learn their habits and if you should give them 5 or 10 minutes when waking up before bringing them to the bathroom. At first I recommend just letting them run around the house without anything on in the downstairs region. Some kids love this. Keep the potty chair in whatever room they spend most of their time. Make sure you are in that room too. Remember, you can't teach if you aren't present. 

You are probably like me and have places to go and errands to run. You can't always be at home waiting for your child to go pee. So put that potty chair in the car and use it when you arrive and leave places. This will help reduce any anxiety from your child, and leaving the house won't be such a gamble.

Practice sitting on the potty chair. Let them get comfortable sitting in that position. Boys need to learn sitting before they practice standing; the same way you have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. This helps avoid the fire hose effect all over the floor and walls. Even if they don't go, don't make them feel pressure. At first, every 30 minutes let them sit for a minute or two so they can try and pee or pooh. This will assimilate them to the chair and it won't seem like a stressful new concept. Never show them disappointment because they didn't go, tell them it's ok and they can try later.

Praise! Praise! Praise! Jump for joy when they go in the potty chair. They need to see how pleased you are. Even act a little over-the-top excited. You may feel stupid but they won't think so. They will only think how happy it makes them to know that mommy and daddy are proud of them. This positive response will encourage them to go potty in the chair again and again.

Every time they go pee or pooh, give them a reward. I gave my toddlers a gummy bear. If you are the type to not let them have sugar then use a cracker or something that they consider a treat. But if I may, a little candy goes a long way and it won't hurt just motivates them and you will be happier because of it. There are all sorts of reward systems that you can use, so choose whatever works for you.

If for some reason you try and find potty training to be too stressful on your child then stop and try again in a few weeks, maybe they will be ready then. It should be a fun experience that the child considers a game to get the reward.